Tag Archives: Avoid

High alkaline foods can be a real boon for women who are suffering from menopause and pre-menopause symptoms. Indeed, hot flashes and menopause weight gain should come immediately to mind for many women reading this. Although some wouldn’t make that connection right away, it seems that including a wide selection of these types of foods goes a long way in helping to keep the body in a healthier alkaline state, thereby helping to keep those pesky hot flashes at bay and even encouraging more belly fat loss. Some of the best high alkaline foods are broccoli, cucumber, garlic, grapefruit, kale, lemon, lime, olive oil, parsley, spinach, sprouted grains, seeds and beans and stevia. Enjoy them in their most natural state either raw, lightly steamed and organic whenever possible to avoid unwanted pesticides and chemicals and to assure their best possible nutritional value. Whenever possible include a selection of these foods…

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All fitness centers are a place for many types of gym goers, this does not include bodybuilding gyms and women’s only fitness centers. All fitness centers provide personal training. There has always been some separation with male and female personal trainers. The big question here is why males and females avoid personal training with the opposite sex? From a female personal trainer perspective, I see this male and female personal trainer avoidance quite often. First, most personal trainers are willing to work with anyone and everyone. Some may prefer older adults, men, women, children, or just athletes. In my own personal experience some older women tend to avoid male personal trainers because they feel as though they are only into body building which reduces the chances of training with a male trainer. Some women think male trainers are the “Arrogant” type. A good majority of women only want to train…

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